Go Local

Clear Titles Of Mason is locally owned and operated.  Our title company prides itself on its legal expertise, community relationships, and heart-felt dedication to the Hill Country, especially our beloved Mason County.

Our closing team has the knowledge and experience to ensure that every transaction at Clear Titles Of Mason is assessed to the fullest extent possible to eliminate any potential risk in the title chain. We are committed to  providing the best and most efficient service for your real estate transactions from start to finish.

Contact us online or give us a call today for a consultation.

For Consultations Call


About Us

This building has been extensively remodeled, and that was when the New Orleans style 2-story gallery was added. It was the last building on the Square to be renovated. Built sometime in the late 1800’s, the building housed Henry McDougall’s Buckhorn Saloon from around 1900 until 1905. After McDougall’s death, his wife added the second story, running a combination rooming house, office building, and saloon.  William A. Zesch obtained the building from Mrs. McDougall, his sister, and operated a meat market and grocery store with Harold Zesch and A.W. (Bert) Zesch. They had to close during the Depression because customers could not pay their accounts. The building still contains a well and pump that once supplied water for the entire block. The well room also has a barbeque pit dating back to the time of the meat market.

Give us a Call at 325-347-1040

Meet Our Team


David A. Young

Of Counsel
Clear Titles of Mason

124 Ft. McKavitt St.
Mason, Texas 76856-1550
Ph: 325-347-1040
Fax: 325-347-0036

Sarita Moore
Attorney at Law
Clear Titles of Mason

124 Ft. McKavitt St.
Mason, Texas 76856-1550
Ph: 325-347-1040
Fax: 325-347-0036

Title Professionals

Sloan Landre
Escrow Officer – Closer
Clear Titles of Mason, LLC
124 Ft. McKavitt St. | PO Box 1550
Mason, TX 76856-1550
P: 325.347.1040
F: 325.347.0036

Theresa Weber
Legal Assistant
Clear Titles of Mason, LLC
124 Ft. McKavitt St. | PO Box 1550
Mason, TX 76856
Phone: (325) 347-1040
Fax: (325) 347-0036

Melissa Haley
Escrow Officer – Intake
Clear Titles of Mason, LLC
124 Ft. McKavitt St. | PO Box 1550
Mason, TX 76856
Phone: (325) 347-1040
Fax: (325) 347-0036

The Title Process

Our Usual Process

CTOM receives your executed contract and earnest money is received.

Your contract is RECEIPTED and earnest money is deposited.

Completed documents are received by our on-site attorneys who issue a title report, along with a TITLE COMMITMENT.
If any items are listed on SCHEDULE C of your title commitment, CTOM will work to clear those items so that the underwriter can then issue your title policy.
The Buyer, Seller, and any Lender(s) will receive a copy of the title commitment, as well as wiring instructions.
All LENDER closing documents are requested, including any loan payoff information.

A CLOSING date and time is scheduled with all parties to sign (in-person) all closing documents.

TITLE POLICY is issued and delivered via mail and electronically. All legal documents are recorded at the County Clerk’s Office.

Link to Mason County Appraisal District

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Link to Mason County Courthouse

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Link to Mason County Chamber of Commerce

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Link to Mason County Utilities

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Contact Information


Clear Titles of Mason, LLC

124 Ft. McKavitt St.

P.O. Box 1550

Mason, TX  76856





Underwriting provided by:

First American – Title Insurance, Specialty Insurance, and Real Estate-Related Services | First American
First American Financial Corporation provides comprehensive title insurance protection and professional settlement services for homebuyers and sellers, real estate agents and brokers, mortgage lenders, commercial property professionals, homebuilders and developers, title agencies and legal professionals to facilitate real estate purchases, construction, refinances or equity loans.

ALTA – American Land Title Association
The American Land Title Association, founded in 1907, is the national trade association and voice of the abstract and title insurance industry. ALTA members search, review and insure land titles to protect home buyers and mortgage lenders who invest in real estate. ALTA is headquartered in Washington, DC.

Texas Land Title Association – TLTA
TLTA CAREER CENTER Specializing in Texas Title Professionals. TLTA’s Career Center offers something no other job site provides – connection to the largest network of Texas title professionals anywhere.